Yoga resources for children testimonials

We have compiled some of the positive Testimonials about the Yoga resources for children and other great things what people have said about Yoga 4 Schools.

ACHPER Victoria Conference 2018

“Best workshop I have been to, practical, useable, awesome!”

“A great resource, high energy presenter and fun session”

“Fantastic, wonderful resource. Can’t wait to start using”

“Such useful resources and activities and a wonderful delivery. Thank you”

Talitha C
Preshil – The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School, Melbourne

The activities Kerryn delivered into the Upper Primary Physical Education lesson were innovative, challenging and fun. I was impressed with how engaged and how dedicated the class were in a yoga session.

Emma, Mothers Playgroup

I was amazed at how much my 2 and 4 year old’s loved being upside down in down dog. The kids loved doing yoga after spending an hour running around with their friends. I also learnt some tools I could definitely implement at home with relaxing and breathing techniques.

Jenna, Year 7 Physical Education

Great activities were introduced into our Year 7 classes. The scarf activities were excellent. We are looking forward to Kerryn returning and teaching our students more fun ideas.

Bernie Holland, ACHPER Victoria, Melbourne

Kerryn is a tremendous educator who has been presenting informed, exciting and challenging sessions for Health and Physical Education teachers at ACHPER Victoria conferences since 2001.

Karen Norden, Singapore Gymnastics

Kerryn is a dynamic and engaging presenter who has been leading the Australian Gymnastics community in a number of gymnastics activities since 1997. Her passion and creativity is obvious in all of her workshops.